LUMS Lahore Admissions

Getting admission into top universities is very difficult.However the university has simplified the admission procedure that given to their own official website.You can this page for information about LUMS scholarship,LUMS MBA,LUMS fee structure,LUMS advertisement into newspapers.

Here is the latest admission ads of LUMS by years.

Admission Ads of LUMS

How to Apply to LUMS

Complete video for apply online Click here.The Admission consists of following steps:
  • Step 1 : Visit LUMS university website or admission office for infoemation about program offered by Institute.Select your program that fit your educational level and career goals.Here is the link where you can get information about pregames offered. Degree progames
  • Step 2 : Stay updated about important dates regarding admissions.The admissions announcements is through newspapers ads,own LUMS official website and social media.Here is the link you should visit about admission dates Date of all programed
  • Step 3 : The LUMS is always creates convenience for students and give option to apply online through official web portal and make sure to fill application complete and submitted online.For online application Apply Online
  • Step 4 : After successfully apply and submit application candidates calls for entrance test and interview.
  • Step 5 : Students can also apply for financial aids and assistance during is the link where you can get more information Get more info